State of New York

County of Albany

        On this thirteenth day of September 1832, personally appeared before William Osborn a Justice of the Peace Solomon Luke a resident of the Town of Bethlehem in the county of Albany and state of New York aged Seventy Six years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on hi oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7. 1832   that he entered the service of the United States, under the following named officers and served as herein stated.

        Under Capt. Derrick Becker in 76 at Saratoga – and under Capt. John A Van Wie during the remainder of the Revolution, under Col. Henry Quackenbush – and General Abraham Ten Brook and Gen. Philip Schuyler – was at the taking of General Burgoyne – was in the Lower Fort in Schoharie under the command of Col. Volkert Veeder and Col. Barent Staats when attacking the enemy – in addition to the above mentioned places was stationed at Fort Edward and Fort George – and was in the service more or less every year from the commencement of the Revolution, to the close of it – was born in the town of Watervliet (now called Bethlehem) County of Albany in the year 1755 Oct. 9th and it is so recorded in the Bible – did live in the above mentioned town and County when called into the service and has lived in the same place up to this day- and that he has served at separated terms in the Revolution as a private for at least Eighteen months – is acquainted with John D. Winne and Samuel Kissum.

        He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Sworn and subscribe

The day and year aforesaid                         Solomon Luke (his mark)


State of New York

City and County of Albany

        On the 27th day of May 1833 personally appeared before the Justice Cout of the City of Albany John D. Winne, of the Town of Bethlehem, well known to the said Court as a [person of truth and veracity, who being duly sworn saith, that he knows Solomon Luke, the applicant named in the annexed declaration and affidavits and knew him during the Revolutionary War – I know that said Solomon Luke was in the service of his County as a Militiaman in the years 1776, 1777 and 1778 – that he served as a private in Capt. Derrick Becker’s Company in the year 1776 – I also know that he was in the service under Capt. John A. Van Wie in the year 1777, but I do not recollect in what grade he served – whether as a private or a non-commissioned officer – I believe he was at the taking of Burgoyne – I also recollect that said Luke was in the service at Schoharie in the year 1778 and 1779 as I believe – but I do not recollect how long he was in the service in these years – according to the best of my recollection he remained in the service under Capt. Van Wie until the close of the Revolutionary War – and that afterwards he served a Campaign from Poughkeepsie, as a Lieutenant – under General Stephen Van Rensselaer – and this is all I can now recollect about said Solomon Luke’s service during the Revolutionary War – said Luke is about Seventy Seven years of age, as I believe – He is about four year older than I am.

Sworn in open Court this

21st day of May 1833                                                     John D. Winne

John G. Wasson –Clerk

Of the Albany Justice Court


State of New York

Albany County

        Personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace – Solomon Luke, who being duly sworn deposeth and saith – that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of service, but according, to the best of his recollection he served not less than the periods mentioned below and in the following grades; for four months I served as a private in the year 1776 under Capt. Derrick Becker – at Saratoga and Schoharie – for five months in the year 1777 and during the remainder of the Revolution I served as a Sergeant under Capt. John A. van Wie during which time I was stationed at Fort George – at Fort Edward, and was at Saratoga at the taking of Burgoyne – for two month in the year 1778 I was at Fort Plain and other forts – for two months - I was at Schoharie and other forts in the year 1779 – and that I was stationed at the above named places – from two to three different times – and that the times specified are much less than the real time – of one thing I am very positive – that is during the four year above named that so much of my time was employed in the Revolution that I was entirely prevented from doing any work on my farm – in the years 80 and 81 I always held myself in readiness to be called out and was at several times called out for a few days at a time- and although I cannot particularize more clearly as I dept no journal – I am most certain that I was engaged altogether in the Revolutionary Service as a private and Sergeant for at least Eighteen month and for which service I claim a pension

Sworn and subscribed this

20th day of May 1833 before me                                    Solomon Luke (his mark)

William L. Osborn





Transcribed by Charles F. Luke
